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Question for Preds fans

Jun. 7, 2021 at 1:46 p.m.
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Hey Preds fans,

I'm not a fan of your team but do think that the Preds are one of the most interesting teams to watch this offseason with expansion, and some of the players on the roster. I'm a fan of a team that's not super competitive but also not rebuilding, but does have a lot of cap space. So I wanted to ask you all as Preds fans, what kind of sweetener do you think the Preds would have to/be willing to attach to one of Duchene or RyJo for a team to take their full remaining contract, and what would you as fans be looking for as return in that trade?

Nov. 7, 2021 at 2:49 p.m.
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Yeah, Nashville has put themselves in a very interesting position as of late, they are clearly on the way down from their 2017 Stanley Cup appearance, but at the same time, they kept their supposed plans of rebuilding rather vague. They traded Ryan Ellis to Philadelphia for Phillipe Myers and Nolan Patrick, traded Nolan Patrick to Vegas for Cody Glass. I dunno that either of those trades have really worked out for the Preds thus far, as Cody Glass has been in the minors all season, and Phillipe Myers has been scratched most games

Then of course they traded Viktor Arvidsson to Los Angeles for a 2021 2nd rounder, and a 2023 3rd rounder, supposedly for expansion concerns, but then they resigned both Mikael Granlund and Mattias Ekholm. The Preds player re-signings relative to their trades seem rather counter-productive in my humble opinion. I know that nobody is really concerned about where Nashville is from a competitive stand-point right now, but allow my to explain why I might be a little bit concerned about fans not being able to definitively identify where the team is going

As league history has demonstrated time and time again, competitive rebuilds don't really work in todays environment, you either have to go all-in on being competitive, like Vegas, Edmonton, and Florida, or all-in on building for the future, such as Arizona, Buffalo, and Columbus, the long-term future at that. I'm a Canucks fan and they made the foolish decision to try and roll with a competitive rebuild which as a fan, made for a very bumpy ride for a number of years. Fortunately, management ultimate was able to put together a competent roster finally, but looking back, it the road getting here could have been a lot smoother if the team had just bitten the bullet, admitted that the team wasn't going to be very good for a few years, and dove into focusing more on younger players. The reason I bring my favorite team up as an example is because if any other team in this league looks even remotely poised to try and cut corners the way the Canucks did over the last half-a-decade or so, it's the Nashville Predators. Now I hope Preds management is smarter than this, but the re-signings of Granlund and Ekholm are holding my confidence in that franchise at bay right now. At least neither of those players has any trade protection in their contracts, so they, just like Ryan Ellis, can both still be flipped for future assets I suppose

Now, to your main question about what kind of sweetener would it take to unload the contracts of Ryan Johansen and Matt Duchene, I would say to unload Johansen, it would take at least a 3rd round pick, and to unload Duchene, at least a 2nd round pick. Despite both players having a fair amount of term left on each of their contracts, neither player's game has completely fallen off, but both players have certainly underperformed relative to their contracts since coming to the music city, so I don't think either player needs to be sweetened with a 1st rounder
Jan. 21, 2022 at 10:37 a.m.
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Don’t think NSH offloads until at least 23-24. Duchene probably won’t be moved IMO since he made it a point to sign here.
May 1, 2022 at 5:01 p.m.
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