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Rating Davidson's draft trades

Worst recent hawks trade?
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Jul. 8, 2022 at 9:40 p.m.
Number 1 Kahun Fan
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Debrincat Trade rating: F--
24 year old superstar goes for roughly 60% of his value. The minimal return is a high first and good prospect and Davidson cant even do that. Debrincat is someone you build around and use as the star to entice other players to come play for the team. Once Toews and Kane leave (and they will want out of this circus), who is that guy? Seth jones??? Davidson thought he was really cool when he said he wasnt gonna panic trade Debrincat but he obviously started sweating and sold horrendously low. If a team doesnt want to pay the price you set then you dont trade him jesus the Buffalo Sabres had more of a backbone than Davidson. Its not like the Hawks couldnt afford him, Cat is worth 9-10 mil and that could have easily been paid by the hawks once 19 and 88 walk. If you have your bottom 6 plugs fill the rest of the lineup after letting Strome/Kubalik walk (more horrible asset management) and have Mrazek in a hospital bed trying to string together more than 5 saves in a row, it wont matter if your top line is Cat-Toews-Kane because you arent going to win.

Dach trade rating: C
I still believe in Dach and that he'll be a productive player but in terms of how he was playing for the hawks, getting the 13th OA + is a miracle. Dach has every excuse in the book for why he hasnt panned out with covid seasons, injuries, rushed to the NHL, terrible coach (lol at Abbotsford Canucks) then a new coach, and playing top minutes immediately with immense pressure to be the next Toews. No wonder Dach was never able to live up to being the third overall pick. With that being said I like the Nazar pick a lot. It's a trade I wont lose sleep over but could come back to bite us. I'm rooting for Dach but if he felt the pressure in Chicago then he will definitely feel it in Montreal. At least we have his brother.

Mrazek trade rating: D
Toronto is the a team you should put the squeeze on considering their cap situation and goalie market (Husso/Vanecek trades) being figured out before the start of the second day. On one hand from the hawks point of view we move up to the first round from the second because a team made a bad signing. From Toronto's point of view they only had to move down 13 spots to get rid of an old, terrible, overpaid, injury prone goalie with term. At the same time Kassian was being dumped to move 3 spots, with less money same term, and Arizona got an extra 2nd and 3rd. Toronto is desperate to get a starting goalie and shed cap and Davidson gave Dubas a light slap on the wrist instead of twisting his arm. Absolutely unbelievable. Chicago had ALL the leverage in the world and this is all Davidson could muster? The better solution would have been to wait for Dubas to sweat while other teams are making deals for starting goalies and make a better deal or hawks sign some schmoes to league min because they clearly dont care how they do next year. This is a trade that you suck the marrow from, Davidson could and should have gotten more/ gave up less but chose not to.

2022 3rd for 2023 3rd rating: B
Seems like a win when 2023 is supposed to be deeper draft.

Liam Gorman Trade rating: F
This is an incredibly minor trade but still pretty atrocious. This guy was already a 6th round pick from 2018 and seems ECHL bound. Why tf would we pay a 6th rounder for a player from that same round in a previous draft who has played mediocre since he was drafted? You trade a 7th max or draft someone else or trade into 2023. Dude had 6 points in 30 college games misses a year to covid and produces 6 in 28 games. This is incredibly nit-picky and minor but if theres a far and away winner in trades that involve 6th round picks alone, maybe you shouldnt be GM.

What would you give Davidson for each of these trades? This was pretty terrible couple of days that will turn into a terrible couple years or decade. Considering the 2023 draft was considered a stronger draft than 2022, it seems like Davidson was going for quantity over quality and that he was trying to get as many things as possible to say he has a lot of things while giving up lightning in a bottle. Its true that Davidson inherited a mess from Bowman but his solution is to shoot ourselves in the foot (Cat trade) to heal the other foot we shot (Jones trade). I might actually believe less in Davidson then I did Bowman and that hurts to say, at least Bowman waited a little while before pulling these asinine trades. With Bowman you knew he was trying to keep the corpse of the Blackhawks on life support as long as 19 + 88 were here. But Davidson is selling the youth for cheap and expecting the 30+ year old veterans to stay for the long run? The logic doesnt make sense. I dont even know if the Panarin, Jones, or Debrincat trade is the worst. If theres a list of worst cap era trades, Im almost convinced these 3 would be in the top 5. Hall for Larsson is up there maybe the Seguin trade but you cant forget the Teuvo and Danault trades either.
Jul. 10, 2022 at 2:35 p.m.
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Nothing will beat trading Panarin for 3 years of Brandon Saad
Jul. 12, 2022 at 7:19 p.m.
Steve Durbano Fan
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Quoting: IconicHawk
Nothing will beat trading Panarin for 3 years of Brandon Saad

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