
What would you rather have during the Stanley Cup playoffs ?

What would you rather have during the Stanley Cup playoffs ?
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May 15 at 6:20 p.m.
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Why can't you have both ?

Because for every All-Canadian matchup, 1 of the 2 Canadian teams in that matchup will be eliminated.

That results in fewer Canadian teams that have a shot at winning the Cup.

The All-Canadian matchup currently taking place between Vancouver and Edmonton is no exception to that rule.
May 15 at 6:31 p.m.
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C. None of the above. Best series regardless of team's hometown
May 16 at 2:30 p.m.
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Whatever keeps Canada's losing streak going.
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May 19 at 6:34 p.m.
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I think hockey is better for everybody when Canada is good.

It’s nice to see so many teams made the cut this year.

I don’t care whether yall win a cup or not, it’s either the blues or I just do not care. But I’m happy when you’re good and the hockey/crowd is great to watch.

Imma pick C. Just get a whole lot of y’all into the tournament and see what happens.
sensonfire liked this.
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